Casa Jade Signature Villa

  Casa Jade Signature Villa & Residence is strategically located in Georgetown and it offers elegant and peaceful accommodation surrounded by lush green gardens. It is my pleasure to share with you the pros and cons of what this accommodation can offer you. Pros Casa Jade Signature Villa & Residence is conveniently located with plenty…

Indian Muslims in Penang: Role and contributions

The exact year of the first arrival of Indian Muslims in Penang or elsewhere in the Malayan Peninsular is not known. But there is enough information for us to assume that they were here in Penang as early as 18th century, earlier than the British. Historians say that before 1786 Indian Muslims were doing business…

Prominent Ceylonese in Penang: Past & Present

  The State of Penang had its fair share of these employees although not to the same extent as the Federated Malay States. A good percentage of the early arrivals were also professionals either direct from Colombo or from Singapore, having been transferred to Penang. One of the early arrivals direct from Jaffna, Ceylon was…

Penang Beach

Penang is popularly highlighted for it’s colonial structures, world heritage sites and buildings, temples and streetfood. Despite this, many overlook the islands and beaches it has to offer. There are amazing and affordable beach resorts, quaint coastal villages and campgrounds, the sea, sun, sand and play for more than just a day trip. Pulau Jerajak…

The History of Penang Eurasians

PREAMBLE The Malaysian National Census 2000 indicates that the population of the Penang Eurasian Community[Serani] is 1,469; which is 11.6% of the Eurasian Malaysian Population of 12,650. The Penang Eurasian Community, in the National Census, is classified under ‘Others’ as being 0.4% or 5254 of the Total Penang Population of 1,313,449. Among the Minorities in…

The Penang Story – International Conference 2002 back ABSTRACTS : Saturday 20 April 2002 Friday 19 April 2002 Panel 1A: Chinese Clanhouse Development & Urban History Panel 1B: Heritage, Memory, Imagination Panel 2A: Early Penang: Trade & Shipping Panel 2B: Architectural & Social Heritage Conservation Panel 3A: Penang As A Regional Centre Panel 3B: Secret Societies Saturday 20 April 2002 Panel…

Things to do in Penang

Penang, known as the Pearl of the Orient in West Malaysia has a plethora of sights, adventures and attractions that if seriously visited with each and every of them may take up more time than you would have planned in your vacation. So below are some of the must see and must do things in…

The Development of Tamil Language and Literature in Penang

(A Summary of the original paper in Tamil) Karu Thiruvarasu(President, PTWA) back Tamil Language in Penang: Tamil education in Malaysia and in Penang presumably has its origin during the immigration of the Tamils as workers to Malaya in 1786. However to pin point a date for the formal teaching of Tamil via an institution, we…


駱靜山 回返 前言-被忽略的領域 在大馬華人從中國本土帶來的文化中,宗教可以說是得天獨厚的;它的活動很 少受到阻擾,它的結社比較容易獲得批准。此外,作為一種號召社群的工具, 它也是最容易被掌握的。因此當中國本土的宗教被持續不斷的文化運動所摧殘 的時候,本邦華裔固有的宗教信仰依然在華人的社會生活中扮演著重要的角色 。華人的幫派主義,封建思想,保守觀念和權力結構,尤其是幾乎支配整個十 九世紀馬華社會的秘密會社,都和他們對祖宗或精靈的崇拜有密切的關係。本 邦歷史悠久的華人社團絕大部份都是從義塚,宗祠或神宮等宗教性結社演變而 來的。可見研究馬華歷史,我們不應忽略廣大華裔的群眾的宗教生活,以及這 種生活在華人的社會發展過程中起作用。然而這個學術的領域,卻往往被以前 大馬華裔學者所忽略,難怪到今天我們還非常缺乏有關華人宗教方面的史料, 撰寫這一篇論文只能說是一個初步的嘗試。 華人通俗宗教信仰的淵源-明清的民間宗教信仰和閩南人的淫祀 除了寥寥無幾的高僧、報人、教師和政治難民以外,南洋華裔移民都來自中國 社會的下層階級,他們的文化水平低下,鄉土觀念濃厚,保守性也很頑強,這 種特徵在他們的宗教生活中表露無遺。無論到什麼地方,他們都沒有忘記把故 鄉的神請來,并儘量建立和故鄉相同的宗祠和廟宇。於是我們可以在馬六甲看 到同安縣白礁鄉的湖海殿,也可以在檳城目睹漳州府的海澄縣山社的水美宮。 追本溯源,我們畢竟要考察明清時代中國本土民間宗教信仰的本質。在那兩個 朝代�堙A尤其是清朝乾隆以後,由於人口激增,社會動盪,佛教和道教都產生 了許多異端,他們大都半佛半道,半僧半俗。其中主要的是白蓮教、羅教、弘 陽教、天理教,以及他們所衍生的各種教派,例如龍華、清水、大乘、混元、 八卦、圓頓、收圓、長生和青龍等等。名目繁多,不勝枚舉。現在從文字記載 上所發現的已有一百多種。各個教派的基本信仰和結構大同小異,後來逐漸趨 向一致,互相混合。 這些民間宗教團體大都宣揚多神教,他們吸取佛、道、儒三家的思想,禮拜這 三家的神佛和權威人物。,例如觀音、如來、彌勒、彌陀、李老君、玉皇大帝 、真武老祖和孔聖人等等。當他們成為末流的時候,章回小說和元明戲曲中的 人物如關雲長、孫悟空、金花娘娘、財帛星君、托塔天王、紅孩兒和二郎神等 等,也都紛紛在他們的神壇上登場。他們又大量利用五行、八卦、堪輿、占卜 和占相等畫籍和思想去為教徒們服務。它們的說教,一般充滿著輪迴報應和忠 義孝悌等觀念,反映了人民質樸的要求和願望。當華人到南洋來的時候,他們 就把這種通俗的宗教信仰帶來。 早期海峽殖民地的華人社會以閩南人為主幹。檳城、馬六甲和新加坡的大部份 華人廟宇都是他們建立的。閩南人的惡習除了械鬥以外,最顯著的,要算是淫 祀了,《廈鬥志》寫道:“廈門迎神賽會,動費多金,窮極奢靡,各廟必以時 出巡,甚至有貫刃於腮,蟠蛇於頸以為勝,經道廳出示禁止少息又鄉各祀一神 ,家各祀一神,有病者以肩與抬之,向要肆取藥,顛簸而行,神長不過尺許, 皆屬不經,雖官禁不止。病不延醫,而詣神,死而無悔,亦閩俗最愚之惡習也 。” 廈門是一個對外通商港口,她周圍的風俗尚且如此,福建內地的情形更不用說 了,難怪今天華人神壇最多的地方,往往是閩南人聚居的貧民區。 天后聖母與華人南渡 星馬沿海各地所建立的古廟,大都是航海者所倡導的。他們如果不是從崇祀天 后聖母的神壇或茅庵發展起來的,那麼一開始便把她當作主要的神靈之一來供 奉。奉祀天后聖母最多的是福建人,其次是海南人。後者對這個海上女神更加 虔敬,各地瓊州會館都設有天后的神位,并配祀水尾聖母。 所謂天后聖母是康熙二十三年(1684)給予閩南人所稱“媽祖”底封號,有些 福建人把她叫作“祖姑”,瓊州人稱她為“婆祖”,客人叫“水母娘”。康熙 二十三年以前,先後被稱為“通靈女神”、“海南女神”、“夫人”、“聖妃 ”、“天妃”和“天上聖母”等。她在宋代已經和航海發生了關係。南宋慶元 年間(1195-1200),媽祖的一支香火從仙游傳到泉州。到了元朝,媽祖廟已 經遍佈海運和漕運所經過的沿海省份,南船往來,都要乞靈於廣州,泉州等港…

A Brief History of Indian Business & The Indian Chamber in Penang

Introduction • History of Indian Business • History & Background of The Malaysian Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Penang HISTORY OF INDIAN BUSINESS Background • Contacts with Malaya from pre-Christ era • Foundation of Penang in 1786 as an entrepot & base was a blow to Malacca • < 95% of Indian immigrants over…

Lexis Suite Penang

  Lexis Suites Penang is the only hotel in Penang that offers hotel guests the luxury of having an individual pool and steam room in their own rooms. Please read on for the pros and cons that this hotel has to offer. Pros 10 minutes’ drive from Penang International Airport There are a few famous…